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Successfully completed contract with the State Border Guard Service


28/08/2012 JSC "Telekonta” with the State border guard service has signed a contract number. (21)-16-116 “For Technical surveillance measures in the Baltic Sea, Curonian Lagoon and the inland border in the territorial waters of the EU external borders of the repair and maintenance services ".

JSC „Telekonta " contract period from 28/08/2012 to 04/02/2013 from the External Borders Fund 2011. annual program project funded by ISF 11/3.1.3-1.3 for EU funds purchased border surveillance systems and equipment care and maintenance „Technical surveillance in the Baltic Sea, Curonian Lagoon and the inland border in the territorial waters of the EU external border, system repair and maintenance services“ Coast guard district of a State Border Guard Service at the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania in technical surveillance carried out repair and maintenance services in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions.

According to the agreement JSC “Telekonta” conducted a radar stations, video surveillance systems, radio stations, bearings, automatic ship identification system (AIS), computer networking, data communications, security systems, servers, operators work places, and other technical surveillance system components servicing and repair.

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