During few months, there were installed 70 high-definition video cameras with a possibility to observe the major city intersections, squares and other important objects in Visaginas. Besides, there were installed 5 more cameras with possibility to observe entering cars and recognize the numbers of the cars. Special system informs police if wanted car shows up.
Dalia Štraupaitė, the Mayor of Visaginas, has an opportunity to come in view, how it works and thanked the contractors for this work.
According head of Visaginas Police department Jonas Cicėnas, this system allows to observe the major city intersections during the monitor in police office and it is very useful because, the police can give quickly respond in order to avoid the crime. As commissioner noticed, it is a great tool to help the police to improve the crime situation in the city.
These cameras will be working twenty-four hours in order to ensure safety of the citizens. Video surveillance monitors, camera control, archival reviews, video processing, and storage systems takes place in Dispatcher place. The software allows seeing map of the city with cameras and to register the system alarms from Operator's position.